Helpful Links!


Here are a few tools I use to trouble shoot computer issues and problems. Always document any changes you make to your system.

Check out Microsoft downloads and updates to improve system performance.

Microsoft Downloads and Updates

TrendMicro's online virus scan is a great tool and it's Free!

Trendmicro Online Virus Scan

This antivirus program from Microsoft is free and works great. Always remove any older antivirus programs before installing it.

Microsoft Security Essentials

Catch spyware and trojans with Microsoft's Spyware program. Stop those annoying pops-ups.

Free Spyware Program

Looking for a hardware driver. Driverguide is the place. Join for free in minutes.

Hardware Drivers

Don't throw your electronics into the garbage. It's hazardous to the environment. Check out the website for locations near you to properly dispose of your electronics.

Recycle Your Electronics